Frequently asked questions

Q: How closely do the ITIL practice exams resemble the actual exam?
We understand the importance of feeling confident and prepared on exam day. That's why our ITIL practice exams are designed to closely replicate the actual exam, giving you a realistic feel for what to expect. We want you to be fully prepared and ready to succeed.

Q: Where do exam practice questions come from?
We know that high-quality practice exam questions are essential for success. Our ITIL practice exams include a mix of publicly available questions from Axelos/PeopleCert, ITIL owners, and AI-generated questions designed to closely resemble the actual exam questions by type and complexity. We're committed to providing comprehensive and accurate resources to help you achieve success.

Q: How long does an ITIL practice exam take to complete?
We understand that studying while balancing a busy life can be challenging. Our ITIL practice exams take around 60-75 minutes to complete and can be taken at your own pace, whenever and wherever it's convenient for you.

Q: How many questions are included in an ITIL exam simulation?
Each of our ITIL exam simulations include 40 questions, the same as the actual exam. This provides you with ample opportunities to practice and become familiar with the types of questions you'll encounter on exam day.

Q: Are the questions in the ITIL exam simulation updated to reflect the latest exam content?
Yes, we regularly update our ITIL exam simulations to reflect the latest exam content and format changes. This ensures that you're studying the most up-to-date material and will be fully prepared for the actual exam.

Q: How many attempts can I have to take an ITIL exam simulation?
We want you to feel fully prepared for the actual exam. You can take our ITIL exam simulations as many times as you like, providing you with ample opportunities to practice and improve your skills.

Q: How does the scoring work in an ITIL exam simulation?
Our ITIL exam simulations provide instant feedback on your performance, including your score and the correct answers to any questions you missed. This feedback will help you identify areas where you need to focus your studying and improve your overall performance. The passing score for the ITIL Foundations exam is 26/40 or 65%

Q: Can I review my answers after completing an ITIL exam simulation?
Yes, after completing our ITIL exam simulations, you can review your answers and the correct answers. This will help you identify areas where you need to improve, focus your studying, and feel fully prepared for the actual exam.

Q: How can I use the results from an ITIL exam simulation to improve my performance on the actual exam?
By reviewing your results and identifying areas where you need to improve, you can focus your studying on those areas and feel more confident and prepared when it comes time to take the actual exam. Our ITIL exam simulations are a valuable tool for identifying your strengths and weaknesses and improving your overall performance.

Q: Can I access ITIL exam simulations on my mobile device?
We want to make studying as convenient as possible for you. Our ITIL exam simulations are accessible on a variety of devices, including mobile devices. This allows you to practice and study wherever and whenever you have time, whether that's at home, at work, or on the go.

Q: What happens next? How can I schedule my certification exam?
We want to help you take the next steps toward certification success. After creating an account at, you can order a voucher and schedule your "ITILĀ® 4 Foundation" exam. We're here to support you every step of the way.

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